星期五, 6月 10, 2005


CAMBODIA - A country where located in between Thai and Vietnam, a place like almost been forgotten... by human and by the universe...

Just came back from Siem Reap, the meaning of the name of this city is lose to Thai (Siem)... what a sad name... and the main entrance of the Angkor Wat is facing east to the sunset, meaning walking to death... However, this country lived with lovely people, they speak so soft, smiley faces everywhere, peace arrive this country eventually.

real blood is not fun... give everyone a chance... no more war!

1 則留言:

I am not Batman 說...

i totally agree sir.humanity needs peace not war.but what does someone do when the fellow a man differs on this view and acts in contradiction?this has happened ever since man has been around.but there is a pleasure in war itself .men are scared of the vastness of eternity.they fear that their name might be lost somewhere in it.they want their names to be remembered,for people to know how they fought,how they loved and how heroically they died.and war offers them a perfect oppurtunity to make their mark.forgive me if i offend you but i am just an old school warrior.